Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Help Youth Stay in School (HYSIS) Minutes from March 10, 2009

The group reviewed the minutes from our February 10th meeting. Two corrections were made: the group would target one elementary school kindergarten (not Pre-K) and students would be assigned a tutor (not a mentor).

The main focus of discussion was working with kindergarten students in the fall. Topics included:
  • The importance of reading before the 3rd grade level
  • School selection by Rowan Salisbury School System; working with principal and teachers
  • Volunteer commitment time, suggested once a week for 30 minutes
  • Training of volunteers
  • Volunteer screening and background checks of volunteers
Will add the HYSIS minutes to the Rowan Partners for Education Web site: under the Program & Initiatives section and the blog site: This way the community could see what is going on with this group.

Regarding the selection of an elementary school, the elementary school test scores will come back in May. Will look at the scores, look at what teachers need and see what will be helpful. This will be helpful in working with our group and the needs of the teachers and students. It’s anticipated that we are looking at working with students no more than 30 minutes, once a week.