Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Help Youth Stay In School

On July 29, 2008 the Rowan Partners For Education and Decrease the Dropout Rate Committee held a round-table discussion regarding how the community is helping youth to stay in school.
Agencies represented at this meeting included:
Adolescent and Family Enrichment Council
Communities In Schools
Henderson Independent High School
9 Up and 6 Up
Youth Services Bureau
Department of Social Services
Project Safe
Rowan Salisbury School System
Girl Scouts
Rowan County United Way
Lideres Hispanos del Futuro
NC Cooperative Extension
Each agency or group gave a brief report on what they are doing to directly impact student graduation rate. They divided into four groups and asked to come up with two strategies that we could work on collectively to help reduce the dropout rate in Rowan County.
They viewed several clips of a DVD entitled "Inside Out", which is a real documentary of life behind prison walls, and testimonials of those who are serving time there.

Staying In School

An initiative is planned for the 2008-2009 Rowan-Salisbury school year that will have local businesses visit all sixth grade students in Rowan County. The purpose is to provide students in the seven Rowan-Salisbury Middle Schools with information regarding the world of work and preparing for their future.
A team of two presenters will meet with students during Character Education time first thing in the morning. Each presentation will be 20-30 minutes long.
Talking points will include but are not limited to:
The importance of staying in school and getting a good education. This includes reading, writing, math, science, keyboarding and word processing.
The importance of good communication skills and being a team player in the workforce.
Share a personal story about your work experience or education.
Discuss post-secondary education opportunities including college, community college, trade or technical schools, certification programs, etc. Also, assistance available to further education.
Answer questions the students may have.
Any local business that would like to be involved in this initiative may contact Jim Cowden at jim_cowden@ncsu.edu

Monday, March 31, 2008


  • Welcome to the Rowan Partners for Education - Decrease the Drop-Out Rate Group.
  • Rowan Partners for Education is a partnership created through the Rowan County Chamber of Commerce and the community to inform the public about public education and advocate for public school excellence.
  • In the last five years, real wages for college graduates have grown by 4% and those for high school drop-outs have fallen by 10%. The decision to drop out of school drains promise from a student's future.
  • It takes a community, working together for a common goal, to truly make a difference in the lives of our children.